best ai code generators

14 Best AI Code Generators of 2024

With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, AI code generators powered by technology such as OpenAI Codex have become increasingly popular among developers looking to streamline their workflow and improve their productivity. With so many programming languages and integrated development environments (IDEs) to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine which tool is the best fit for your specific needs.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best AI code generators currently available and how they can revolutionize the way you work. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, you’ll learn about the benefits of using AI code generators, how they work, and what makes them stand out from traditional coding methods. So, let’s get started and find the perfect tool to help you generate top-notch code in no time.

What Are the Best AI Code Generators?

The best AI code generators not only streamline your coding workflow and enhance efficiency but also allow you to focus on the big picture. When exploring AI code generators, it’s crucial to consider certain key features that set them apart from the rest. These features ensure that your chosen tool not only streamlines your coding process but also caters to your specific development needs. Here are some of the most important features to consider:

Key Features:

  • Quality code generation: AI code generators produce accurate and efficient code, thanks to extensive training in quality code repositories.
  • User-friendly interface: These tools emphasize ease of use, making them accessible for developers of varying expertise levels.
  • Integration with development tools: Top AI code generators integrate with popular code editors and environments, streamlining the development process.
  • Language and framework versatility: These generators support multiple programming languages, libraries, and frameworks, catering to diverse needs.
  • Continuous learning and improvement: AI code generators refine their code generation process through user interactions, leading to better results over time.

In choosing the best AI code generator, consider the range of programming languages and frameworks supported, the ease of integration with development environments, and the quality of generated code. Assess the pricing structure and weigh the costs against the benefits it provides to your development processes, such as increased productivity and reduced errors.

We’ve put together a comprehensive list of the top AI code generators available, highlighting their key features, pricing, and bottom line. Each tool is categorized based on its primary use case or target audience, making it easier for you to find the perfect fit for your development needs.

Cody by Sourcegraph: Your coding assistant

Cody AI app page in VScode Marketplace

Cody by Sourcegraph, a free AI-powered code assistant, is transforming the way developers interact with code. As an extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and a key component of the Sourcegraph platform, Cody revolutionizes the coding process with an efficient, intelligent approach to code navigation and completion.


  • VS Code Extension: Cody serves as a plugin for VSCode, allowing developers to enjoy AI-assisted coding within a familiar environment.
  • Intuitive Code Navigation: Cody’s search capabilities enable swift navigation through complex codebases, enhancing the understanding and modification of existing code.
  • Intelligent Code Review: The automated code review feature not only detects errors and inefficiencies, but Cody’s AI engine also suggests fixes, saving significant time.
  • Contextual Code Suggestions: Cody learns your code patterns, offering real-time, context-aware code suggestions, which expedites the coding process.
  • Sourcegraph Integration: Cody integrates seamlessly with Sourcegraph, offering AI-powered assistance within the universal code search platform.
  • Integrations: Being a part of Sourcegraph, Cody could be expected to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of code repositories and development platforms.
  • Semantic Code Search: Taking advantage of Sourcegraph’s strong universal code search functionality, Cody could offer developers the ability to perform semantic searches across their codebases, making it easier to find and fix issues or reuse existing code.


Cody is completely free making AI more accessible to developers. However, Cody is only available for use either in Sourcegraph or an extension in VS Code.

Bottom Line

Cody by Sourcegraph is a game-changer in the realm of coding tools. By providing AI-powered code assistance directly in VSCode and Sourcegraph, Cody simplifies code navigation and review, accelerating the software development process. Its easy integration, combined with the cost-effectiveness of being entirely free, makes Cody an indispensable addition to the developer’s toolkit. Its ability to learn and adapt to individual code patterns further solidifies Cody as a pioneer in the future of coding.

GitHub Copilot: AI-powered coding assistance

Github Copilot Homepage


GitHub Copilot is one of the most popular AI-powered code completion tools that helps developers generate code faster and more efficiently. It uses machine learning to suggest code based on the context of what the developer is working on, and it supports several languages. Best for developers looking for AI tools to streamline their coding workflow and increase productivity.


  • Github Copilot uses AI to provide code suggestions in real-time, helping developers save time and reduce errors.
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular code editors like Visual Studio Code
  • Recognize the context of the code you’re writing and suggest relevant code snippets, making coding more efficient.
  • Wide range of supported languages, making it versatile and accessible to many developers.
  • Constantly learning from its usage and updates, making it a continually improving tool.


Github Pricing Page

GitHub Copilot offers subscriptions with monthly or yearly billing options. For the monthly plan, the cost is $10 per calendar month or $100 per year. Alternatively, selecting the Copilot for Business will incur a charge of $19 per calendar month.

Bottom line

Github Copilot is designed to enhance your coding experience by helping you write code more efficiently and with less effort. The tool achieves this by analyzing the context of your code and comments to provide instant suggestions for individual lines or entire functions. GitHub Copilot is available as an extension for various integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains. Please note that the tool is not designed for non-coding tasks like data generation or natural language generation such as question-answering.

GitHub Copilot is perfect for both beginners and seasoned developers who are looking to save time when writing code. With its AI-powered suggestions, you can generate high-quality code with ease. The free trial offered is a great opportunity to test out the tool’s capabilities before committing to a subscription.

TabNine: Best for autocompleting code in real-time

TabNine Homepage


TabNine is an AI-powered code completion tool designed to help developers generate code faster and with fewer errors. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your code and offer intelligent suggestions for completing your current line of code. The tool is available in a wide range of languages and can be easily integrated into popular code editors like VSCode, IntelliJ, and PyCharm.


  • Tabnine is an AI-based code completion tool that saves time by predicting what you’re going to type next and providing smart suggestions.
  • Supports many popular languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, and more.
  • Provides real-time code completion with minimal latency and high accuracy.
  • Offers context-sensitive suggestions based on your current code and project, helping you generate code faster and with fewer errors.
  • Supports deep learning models that improve over time based on your usage patterns.
  • Integrates seamlessly into popular code editors such as VS Code, IntelliJ, and Atom.
  • Autocomplete for commonly used code snippets and libraries.


TabNine Plans & Pricing

TabNine offers different pricing plans to cater to various needs. TabNine’s free plan provides access to basic features, including AI-driven code completion and support for multiple languages. TabNine Pro subscription plan, available at $12/month (billed annually) or $14/month (billed monthly), includes additional features such as priority support, faster completion, and a local deep learning model. TabNine for teams and businesses is available upon request.

Bottom Line

TabNine is a great AI code generator for developers who want to write better code in less time. It is best suited for those who want to improve their coding productivity and are comfortable with working with code suggestions from an AI tool.

GitHub Copilot is great for collaboration and code sharing, while TabNine significantly speeds up the coding process by providing accurate code completions. Another advantage of Tabnine is that it supports over 30 programming languages and is compatible with a wide range of editors, including Visual Studio Code, vim, emacs, Jupyter, JetBrains editors, Android Studio, and sublime text, among others. Copilot, on the other hand, predicts in only a few major languages and is available exclusively for Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, JetBrains IDE, and Neovim.

TabNine would be a better option as your first AI code assistant as it offers more advanced AI features and a unique experience compared to traditional code completion tools. Despite having a higher memory usage, the benefits it provides for programming convenience make it tolerable.

Replit GhostWriter: Best for cloud-based coding and collaboration

Replit GhostWriter Homepage


Replit Ghostwriter is an online coding platform that allows you to write, collaborate, and host your code in one place. It features a wide variety of languages and frameworks, as well as built-in support for version control and debugging.


  • Allows you to collaborate with your team members in real-time and make changes to your code together.
  • You can access your code from any device with an internet connection, which makes it ideal for remote teams.
  • You can write, test, and deploy your code without leaving the platform.
  • Offers a library of pre-built templates and snippets to help you get started quickly.
  • AI-assisted coding feature suggests code completions and helps you find and fix errors in your code faster.
  • Integrates with GitHub and other popular tools to streamline your workflow and make development easier.


Replit Personal Plans

Replit offers a free plan that includes unlimited public Repls, and 0.5 GB of storage. Paid plans start at $7/month for individuals and $20/month for teams with additional features.

Bottom Line

Replit’s Ghostwriter offers real-time code completion, code generation, transformation, and explanation tools. It also includes an in-editor search utility that allows users to find and import open-source code without leaving their editor. The tool supports 16 languages, including JavaScript, Python, C, Java, Perl, and Ruby, as well as HTML, CSS, and SQL.

Ghostwriter consists of four main components: Complete Code, Generate Code, Transform Code, and Explain Code. Complete Code suggests continuations for code that users have already written, while Generate Code creates new code based on user suggestions. Transform Code helps refactor or modernize code to fit standards, and Explain Code analyzes existing code and explains its function using natural language.

Replit is perfect for individuals, teams, and businesses looking for a collaborative platform for software development. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, Replit makes coding accessible and efficient. Replit’s strengths include its ability to collaborate with team members in real time, its user-friendly interface, and its powerful code editor.

If you’re looking for a full-fledged integrated development environment (IDE) that includes hosting and collaboration tools, Replit is an excellent choice. However, its limitations include limited customization options and a lack of advanced features for experienced developers.

MutableAI: Best for creating custom language models

MutableAI Homepage


MutableAI is a cloud-based code generation platform that uses artificial intelligence to automate the software development process. It provides developers with the ability to generate complex code from natural language instructions, saving time and increasing productivity.


  • Generates code snippets for multiple languages and frameworks.
  • Supports various code editors, including Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Can suggest code snippets based on natural language descriptions.
  • Offers real-time code completion, including syntax highlighting and error detection.
  • Provides personalized code suggestions based on your codebase and usage patterns.
  • Offers integration with popular development tools like GitHub and Jira.


MutableAI Plan
  • MutableAI Individual Price: Free
  • Basic: $10/month per seat including manual suggestions and automatic suggestions
  • Codebase Pro: $24/month per seat offering AI-based Code Search
  • Enterprise is available upon contacting their sales team directly.

Bottom Line

MutableAI stands out for its ability to generate code with a conversational interface, making it more accessible for non-technical team members to contribute to code development. If you want a more conversational interface, MutableAI is worth considering.

While MutableAI boasts strong features such as a user-friendly interface, multi-language support, and customizable templates, some users have reported accuracy issues with the generated code. The platform offers a free trial for users to experience its benefits before committing to a paid plan.

Seek: AI-powered search engine for developers

Seek Homepage


Seek is an AI code generator that helps developers write high-quality code in various languages. Its advanced AI algorithms enable it to understand the context of the code and generate highly optimized code snippets. With features such as real-time feedback, customizable templates, and integration with popular code editors, Seek is a useful tool for developers of all skill levels.


  • Accurate and efficient code generation for a variety of languages and frameworks.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive workflow to simplify the code generation process.
  • Ability to learn and adapt to a user’s specific coding style and preferences over time.
  • Integration with popular development environments like Visual Studio Code and GitHub.
  • Streamlines the coding process, allowing developers to focus on higher-level tasks.
  • Automatically updates generated code as user input changes, saving time and effort.


Seek: Start Your Free Trial

Seek offers a free trial version. No pricing information is available.

Bottom Line

Seek is ideal for developers and data analysts who want to easily generate SQL queries without having to manually generate code. Its key features include the ability to work with complex databases, natural language processing, and customizable templates. Seek’s approach allows for more flexibility and customization in generating SQL code for training data, while TabNine and GitHub Copilot are more suited for suggesting and generating code snippets based on the context of training data and the code being written.

AI2SQL: Best for automating SQL queries

A12SQL Homepage


AI2SQL is an AI-powered code generator designed to convert natural language questions into SQL queries. It simplifies the process of extracting data from relational databases by automatically generating SQL code. The tool can be used by data analysts python programmers, data scientists, and business users who need to query databases for insights.


  • AI2SQL can automatically generate SQL queries from natural language input, saving time and reducing errors for developers and data analysts.
  • Offers support for multiple database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server, making it a versatile option for a range of users.
  • With AI2SQL’s ability to learn from user feedback and corrections, it becomes more accurate over time and produces more precise SQL queries.
  • Offers a user-friendly interface and the ability to customize generated SQL queries, allowing users to tailor the tool to their specific needs.
  • The product’s intuitive and easy-to-use interface makes it easy for users to get started and use the tool with minimal training required.


A12SQL Pricing plans

AI2SQL offers a 7 days free trial with two subscription plans:

  • Basic plan for $7 monthly
  • Pro plan for $17 monthly

Bottom Line

One of the strongest features of AI2SQL is its ability to quickly generate complex SQL queries using natural language input. This sets it apart from other AI code generators, which may require more structured input or only generate simpler queries.

Another advantage of AI2SQL is its integration with popular data visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI, making it easier for data scientists to generate and analyze data reports.

Enzyme: AI-powered code optimization for performance improvement

Enzyme Introduction


Enzyme is an open-source AI code generator tool that automatically writes test cases for your JavaScript codebase. With its advanced capabilities, Enzyme can save you the time spent and effort in writing test cases by generating them for you. Its simple and user-friendly interface makes it easy to integrate with your existing development workflow.


  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • Generates clean, well-structured code
  • Helps to reduce development time
  • Provides custom templates for unique projects
  • Offers a user-friendly interface and documentation


No pricing information is available.

Bottom Line

Enzyme is an excellent fit for developers and companies focused on front-end development, particularly with its ability to convert design files into clean, responsive code. Enzyme streamlines the collaboration between designers and developers, making it an invaluable asset for those looking to save time and maintain design consistency across their projects. While it excels in design-to-code conversion, it might not be as versatile for backend or full-stack developers.

Durable: AI Website Builder

Durable Homepage


Durable is an AI-powered website builder that can create a complete website, including photos and copy, within seconds. By analyzing the user’s location and business nature, it can produce a unique website that fits the user’s requirements. It is a straightforward and user-friendly platform that doesn’t require any coding skills or technical knowledge.


  • Durable is an AI-powered website builder that creates entire websites in seconds without any coding or technical expertise required.
  • Automatically determines the user’s location and business type to create a unique and personalized website with photos and copy that aligns with their brand.
  • Offers a user-friendly platform with a drag-and-drop interface that allows for easy customization and editing.
  • Users can save time and money by creating a professional-looking website quickly and efficiently, allowing them to focus on their business.
  • The collaboration feature enables teams to work together on website projects, improving efficiency and ensuring a high-quality end product.


Durable Pricing

Bottom Line

Durable is an AI-powered website builder that is best suited for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals who want to quickly create a professional-looking website without any coding or technical expertise. With its automatic location-based website creation, users can have a unique website up and running in seconds. The drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates make it easy for anyone to use.

Mintlify: Best for auto-generating documentation

Mintlify Homepage


Mintlify is an AI-powered documentation tool that helps businesses automate their documentation processes. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze and categorize documents, reducing the time and effort required for documentation tasks.


  • Automates the process of generating documentation for software projects using AI.
  • Improves the efficiency and accuracy of documentation, reducing the time and effort needed for manual documentation.
  • Provides real-time documentation updates that reflect changes in the codebase.
  • Supports multiple programming languages and platforms, making it a versatile tool for software developers.
  • Offers customizable documentation templates and branding options for a more personalized experience.


Mintlify Pricing
  • Free Trial
  • Startup: $120 monthly
  • Enterprise: Available upon request

Bottom Line

Mintlfiy is an innovative documentation tool that leverages AI to make it easier for developers and technical writers to create and manage documentation. It offers features such as automatic versioning, code samples, and collaboration tools that make it easy for teams to work together.

An excellent choice for any company or organization that wants to improve the documentation process and reduce errors. It’s particularly well-suited for software development teams that work with complex codebases and need to keep documentation up-to-date. With a free trial available, there’s no reason not to give Mintlify a try and see the benefits for yourself.

Stenography: A smart codebase documenter

Stenography Homepage


Stenography is an AI-powered codebase documenter that allows developers to automatically document their codebases in real time. Its powerful API can provide plain English explanations, Stack Overflow Suggestions, and linked documentation when code is entered. The tool offers various extensions, including the VSC Extension, to seamlessly integrate with any code source.


  • Privacy is a top priority with Stenography
  • Uses a passthrough API and does not store code.
  • Stenography offers 250 free monthly invocations and a live running list of examples and extensions on Notion.


Stenography Plans
  • Tier I: $10
  • Tier II: $20
  • Team plan

Bottom Line

Stenography is an incredibly useful tool for developers who want to save time and effort when documenting their own source code bases. Stenography’s privacy-focused approach and passthrough API mean that user code is not stored, ensuring data security. Additionally, the VSC Extension makes it easy to integrate Stenography wherever code can be found.

ChatGPT: Best for generating human-like text

ChatGPT Homepage


ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that uses natural language processing to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as answering questions, summarizing text, translating languages, and even creative writing.

ChatGPT is so powerful it can work with Javascript, Arduino, and other such open-source projects and-source languages, HTML, PHP, CSS, C++, C, Python, MicroPython, etc.


  • Utilizes advanced natural language processing for high-quality code generation and coding solutions.
  • Highly customizable pre-trained models for various languages and domains.
  • Automates tedious coding tasks, saving developers time.
  • Offers personalized recommendations and learns from interactions.
  • Generates code snippets, documentation, emails, and more.
  • Features an easy-to-use web interface with no coding skills required.
  • Provides customization options, such as input prompts and adjustable text length and style.


ChatGPT Pricing
  • Free-to-use AI code generator
  • ChatGPT Plus subscription: $20/month

Bottom Line

Chat GPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. The model can be used for a wide range of applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, content creation, and more. It is best suited for individuals and companies looking to develop conversational AI systems, chatbots, and virtual assistants. It can be used by companies in various industries, including healthcare, finance, customer service, and e-commerce, to automate their customer support and improve their overall efficiency.

One of the strongest points of Chat GPT-3 is its ability to generate human-like responses that are contextually relevant and grammatically correct. The model has been trained on a large dataset of diverse text inputs, which enables it to understand and generate responses in various contexts. However, there are also some weak points to consider when using Chat GPT. One of the main issues is the model’s potential to generate biased or inappropriate responses, particularly when trained on biased or inappropriate datasets. Additionally, the model’s output may sometimes lack consistency, and it may generate responses that are irrelevant or nonsensical.

While ChatGPT is capable of producing code that works, it should not be considered a replacement for practical experience and learning. Users should carefully examine and practice the generated code to strengthen their comprehension of the concepts and algorithms employed.

Debuild: Best at Building Web Apps in seconds

Debuild Homepage


Debuild is a low-code platform that utilizes AI technology to help developers and other users quickly create web applications. It has a user-friendly graphical interface that enables users to visually assemble an interface, and then easily deploy it in one click.


  • Debuild is a low-code platform that helps developers and non-technical users quickly build web applications.
  • Its graphical user interface allows users to visually assemble an interface and deploy it in one click.
  • Automatically generates React components and SQL code, saving time and eliminating the need for manual coding.
  • The platform is designed to be fast, allowing users to go from idea to reality in seconds.
  • Users can sign up for a free account on the website and access a range of resources, including an about page, terms of service, and privacy policy.


Debuild is free to use, with no hidden costs or charges.

Bottom Line

Debuild is an excellent low-code platform that is ideal for developers and other users who want to quickly build web applications. With its graphical user interface and automatic code generation, Debuild makes it easy to turn ideas into reality in a matter of seconds. This product is best suited for small to medium-sized businesses or individuals who want to create powerful web apps without spending too much time or money on manual coding.

Sign up for a free account today and experience the convenience of AI-powered low-code development.

Codiga: Best for Automating Code Reviews

Codiga Homepage


Codiga is an AI-driven code generator that streamlines software development by offering automated code suggestions and contextual code refactoring. It helps developers create clean, maintainable, and efficient code while reducing errors. Codiga supports multiple programming languages, integrates seamlessly with popular development environments, and provides continuous analysis and feedback to improve code quality throughout the development process.


  • Time-saving code suggestions: Codiga’s AI-generated code snippets speed up development and reduce manual coding efforts.
  • Real-time error detection: Catch and fix errors early in the development process, ensuring code quality and stability.
  • Seamless integration: Easily integrate with popular code editors, enhancing your existing workflow without disruptions.
  • Multi-language support: Accommodates various programming languages and frameworks, catering to diverse development needs.
  • Continuous improvement: Codiga learns from user interactions, refining its suggestions and adapting to your coding style over time.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Share and review code efficiently within teams, fostering better communication and collaboration.


Codiga Pricing
  • Basic: Free
  • Teams: $14 per month

Bottom Line

Codiga is best suited for developers, companies, and teams seeking to enhance their software development process while maintaining top-notch code quality. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze and understand code patterns, allowing it to generate accurate and efficient code. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface and easy-to-use features, making it a popular choice for developers of all skill levels.

What are AI code generators?

AI code generators are innovative tools that use artificial intelligence to create code for developers. By automating code suggestions and completing functions for human programmers, these tools improve efficiency, minimize errors, and simplify the software development process, ultimately enhancing productivity and project outcomes.

Final thoughts

In summary, the best AI code generators provide powerful features and benefits that streamline development, boost productivity, and improve code quality. By carefully evaluating each tool’s offerings and pricing, you can select the ideal AI code generator to transform your development process and achieve greater success in your projects.

Interested in trying out other AI powered tools? Check out our recommendations for each of these categories:

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