jasper vs sudowrite
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Jasper vs Sudowrite

In the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence, Jasper and Sudowrite have risen as prominent AI writing platforms, tailored to address a variety of writing requirements. So who does it better – Jasper or Sudowrite

Jasper showcases impressive prowess as an AI copywriting tool and industry leader in crafting persuasive content that enhances audience engagement.

Jasper Landing Page

On the other hand, Sudowrite does an exquisite job as an AI powered writing assistant that empowers storytellers and provides valuable assistance in narrative construction and character development. 

Sudowrite Landing Page

In this article, we’ll review what both Jasper and Sudowrite individually does well, the various tools available in their arsenal, target audience, and what types of writing projects each platform is best suited for.

What Is Jasper AI?

Jasper AI, formerly known as Jarvis, is an AI writing solution that enhances business marketing efforts with a focus on staying true to brand voice and style. Users can train Jasper with a knowledge base, ensuring consistent content creation in line with the brand’s identity. Jasper can be used for anything from idea generation, content writing, or even social media captions.

Jasper Landing Page

Jasper goes beyond mere content generation and ideation. The platform also offers advanced features like an AI powered chatbot and live web scraping. In addition, Jasper offers an SEO integration with SurferSEO and AI art image generation.

With Jasper, businesses can write content with the help of an AI writer and ensure brand consistency across the team. Digital marketers can becomes pros at how to engage customers effectively, and optimize content for increased online visibility. Jasper AI can be likened to a marketing assistant powered by machine learning algorithms who never sleeps and is always on call.

What Is Sudowrite?

Sudowrite is an AI writing assistant tailored to novel writing and creative writers. This writing software proclaims to combat writer’s block. Sudowrite provides writers with a reliable writing software that can help them navigate the challenges of the creative process and write more engaging stories.

Sudowrite Landing Page

Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, refining character development, or exploring one’s own individual writing style, Sudowrite acts as a guiding force, assisting writers in breaking through creative barriers and unlocking their full storytelling potential.

Moreover, Sudowrite breaks down language barriers and supports novel writing in several languages. Whether you’re a beginner writer or in search of fresh ideas, Sudowrite excels at enhancing and simplifying the creative writing process.

Jasper and Sudowrite: How Do I Pick?

Choosing between Jasper and Sudowrite boils down to your unique needs and preferences. To help you in your decision, we’ve put together a comparison table below that highlights the key features and functionalities of each individual platform. By considering your specific needs, you can confidently choose the right AI writing tool that aligns with your goals.


  • AI Technology GPT-4/GPT-3
  • Languages Supported 29+/28+
  • User Experience Basic and clean/Vibrant, simple, and distraction-free
  • Educational Material Yes/Yes
  • Content Templates Yes/No
  • Long Form Document Editor Yes/Yes 
  • Search Engine Optimization Yes/No
  • Art Generator Yes/No
  • Plagiarism Checker Yes/No
  • Chrome Extension /No
  • API/Webhooks Yes/No
  • Free Trial Yes/Yes
  • Pricing Model Monthly/Monthly

What is the difference between Jasper and Sudowrite?

Jasper and Sudowrite are both AI writing tools that utilize language models developed by OpenAI (You may have heard of ChatGPT by now), yet they possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. While Jasper focuses on content marketing, Sudowrite emphasizes assisting writers in the creative writing process. We will explore each tool’s various features and attributes below.

AI Technology

Both Jasper and Sudowrite utilize artificial intelligence technology from OpenAI as their underlying AI framework. Recently, Jasper has integrated GPT-4 into their framework. Sudowrite uses GPT-3. Both models are known for their impressive language generation capabilities and natural language processing, with GPT-4 being recognized for its reasoning and logical skills.

Jasper Login

While both tools share a common foundation, their specific focuses impact the performance and content quality they deliver. Jasper is designed for marketing and blog writing. It is trained to excel in creating persuasive and engaging content tailored for content marketers. Jasper’s AI model is delicately honed in to generate marketing materials like compelling headlines and social media posts that cater to a wide range of industries. 

On the other hand, Sudowrite, with its focus on novels and storytelling, employs GPT-3 to assist authors and novelists in crafting narratives and developing captivating characters. Sudowrite’s AI model is trained to understand story structures, plot development, and narrative elements. 

Sudowrite Landing Page

While both tools utilize similar technology as their foundation, Jasper shines when it comes to marketing and writing blog posts, while Sudowrite maintains a different focus on novelists and authors.

Languages Supported

Both Jasper and Sudowrite offer around 30 different language options, catering to users who require content generation in various languages. With Jasper, writing in different languages is relatively straightforward. Users can easily change the output language via a template’s settings. Afterwards, the AI will continue to write in the language specified. 

Jasper Change Language via Template

On the other hand, writing in other languages with Sudowrite is less intuitive. If users want to generate content in a specific language, they will need to initially write in that language themselves so that the AI can follow along. This approach requires writers to have some familiarity with the desired language for their content.

Sudowrite - Write in Another Language

It is worth noting that both Sudowrite and Jasper currently lack the ability to instantly translate a highlighted block of text into another language on demand. 

Overall, both Jasper and Sudowrite support writing in multiple languages, but the approach and user experience differs. Jasper offers a more seamless language transition for non-native speakers via template-based language selection, while Sudowrite requires users to provide content in the desired language initially for generation.

User Experience

Jasper provides users with a user-friendly and intuitive experience through its clean and organized interface. The platform offers a wide range of features, including campaign creation, long form content, templates, AI chat functionality, and even brand voice customization. 

Jasper Homepage

Despite the abundance of features, Jasper ensures that users can easily navigate and locate the tools they need. The interface design is clear and well-structured, allowing users to access the desired functionalities without any confusion as to what’s what, and where it is.

Sudowrite offers a more straightforward user experience that prioritizes the core writing process. Upon creating a project, users are directed to a single screen which features a long form document editor as well as the platform’s key features.

Sudowrite Editor

Sudowrite aims to provide a distraction-free environment where users can focus solely on their writing without being overwhelmed by unnecessary elements. The platform is engaging and makes the journey of writing stories, as well as the editing process, enjoyable.

Both Jasper and Sudowrite excel in delivering user-friendly experiences, with Jasper offering a comprehensive yet accessible interface while Sudowrite prioritizes a focused and streamlined environment for authors. Whether users prefer a feature-rich platform or a minimalist approach, both tools are designed to enhance the intended user experience and support users in achieving their writing goals effectively.

Educational Material

Both Jasper and Sudowrite offer educational materials to support their users in different ways.

Jasper AI provides education via its Help Docs section located through the website under the Learn tab. This section serves as a valuable resource for users, offering detailed documentation and guides that cover various aspects of the platform’s features and functionalities. The Help Docs provide step-by-step instructions and useful insights to help users navigate and optimize their experience with the platform effectively.

Jasper Knowledge Base

Sudowrite offers educational material in the form of writing classes and platform tips displayed on the right-hand side of the main dashboard within the platform. However, I can’t say this is the first place I looked for tips and tricks. It is something I glossed over initially. Sudowrite’s creative resources aim to enhance users’ writing skills and provide valuable guidance on utilizing Sudowrite’s features effectively.

Sudowrite FAQ

I was unable to locate a comprehensive guide or other educational material based on how to make the best use of Sudowrite. While there are tips displayed in the platform, users only see around 4 at a time. Sudowrite does provide in-platform instructions on how to use each displayed tool effectively, so that makes up for the lack of an external knowledge base. 

Long Form Document Editor

Jasper’s long form document editor provides users with a range of useful options and features. Along with standard editing capabilities, users have the ability to utilize Grammarly in-platform to check grammar as well as a plagiarism checker and AI chat feature. 

Jasper Editor

Additionally, Jasper provides templates that users can leverage to expedite content creation and maintain consistency across the company when it comes to brand voice. As far as exporting or downloading files goes, Jasper’s platform currently lacks a clear mechanism for this. 

According to Jasper’s website, their API is in beta and is available to Business Plan Users and Jasper Tech Partners.

Sudowrite’s long form document editor is equipped with a range of features, including Write, Describe, Rewrite, Brainstorm, and more. Similar to Jasper, Sudowrite does not offer a clear way to export files directly from the platform. Users may resort to copying and pasting their content to another platform like WordPress or a text editor to save or further process their work.

Sudowrite Editor

In summary, both Jasper and Sudowrite offer long form document editors with valuable features. However, both platforms lack a direct export capability, requiring users to copy and paste their content to external platforms for further use or storage.

Content Templates

Jasper provides users with a diverse range of content templates that cater to various writing needs. These templates cover a wide spectrum of purposes, including AIDA frameworks, advertisements, Amazon product descriptions, company bios, and much more. 

Jasper Amazon Product Description Template

Jasper users can conveniently access these templates from the homepage by selecting “create new” or directly within the long form document editor. 

Sudowrite offers a select list of templates specifically tailored for authors. These templates cater to different aspects of storytelling and writing. For instance, the Twist template assists authors in taking their stories in unexpected directions, injecting excitement and surprises into their narratives. Writers can also take advantage of templates like Characters, Poem and explore Brainstorm for additional options like Objects, Places, and Descriptions.

Sudowrite Brainstorm Templates

Jasper offers a wide range of content templates that encompass diverse marketing purposes, while Sudowrite’s templates cater specifically to authors and provides support for various storytelling elements. 

Search Engine Optimization

While Jasper does not offer SEO capabilities directly, the platform does provide users with the opportunity to optimize their content for SEO through integration with SurferSEO

Jasper AI's SurferSEO integration

SurferSEO is a dedicated writing tool designed specifically for SEO purposes. With a SurferSEO account, users can leverage its capabilities alongside Jasper’s marketing templates to enhance the quality of their content.

Sudowrite does not offer SEO-specific capabilities or integration. Sudowrite primarily focuses on assisting authors and novelists in crafting engaging narratives rather than catering to SEO requirements. 

Art Generator

Jasper offers a fun AI image generator which allows users to delve into the realm of AI-generated artwork. 

Jasper AI Art

With Jasper’s AI image generator, users can explore a variety of templates, from realistic people to product closeups and more. Users have the flexibility to customize their generated artwork by inputting custom prompts and adjusting the mood and medium. Additionally, Jasper’s AI can enhance the prompt given by users ensuring the essence of the artist’s intended expression is made clear.

Jasper AI Art Output

Sudowrite does not currently offer an AI art image generator. 

Text Summarization

Jasper users can access text summarization capabilities through the platform’s “Ask Jasper” feature. Simply highlight a block of text and type in “summarize” as a prompt. 

Jasper Summarize Command

On the other hand, Sudowrite takes a different approach to summarization. The Shrink Ray tool allows writers to summarize their entire document into four different output types: logline, blurb, synopsis, and outline. The specific number of outputs generated depends on the length of the document. This feature enables users to distill their content into shorter, condensed versions suitable for different purposes, such as crafting captivating book blurbs or creating a concise synopsis.

Sudowrite Shrink Ray Tool

Both Jasper and Sudowrite provide users with summarization capabilities, albeit through different approaches. Jasper’s “Ask Jasper” allows for on-demand summarization of selected text (or any other command you can think of), while Sudowrite’s Shrink Ray tool offers the ability to generate summarized outputs for the entire document. 

Plagiarism Checker

Jasper offers users the convenience of a built-in plagiarism checker accessible through the long form document editor. The plagiarism checker operates on a credit-based system, which requires users to have sufficient credits to utilize the tool. 

Jasper Plagiarism Checker

Sudowrite does not offer a specific plagiarism checker tool. According to the website’s FAQ, Sudowrite assures users that all content generated by the AI is original as long as the input provided by the user is also original. 

Jasper integrates a built-in plagiarism checker within its feature set, allowing users to verify the originality of their content. In contrast, Sudowrite emphasizes the significance of writing with original input, assuring users that the content generated will be free of plagiarism as long as the initial input is unique.

Chrome Extension

Jasper offers a Google Chrome extension that integrates with Gmail and Google Docs. With this extension, Jasper hopes to provide users with seamless AI-powered writing capabilities directly within their preferred writing platforms. The extension is designed to be compatible across various writing environments, enabling users to harness the power of Jasper’s AI writing software wherever they write. 

Jasper AI Chrome Extension

Sudowrite does not have a public Chrome extension at this time. In December 2022, Sudowrite announced a private beta extension specifically for Google Docs. Further details about this extension are not available on the Chrome store.

Sudowrite Google Docs Extension Announcement


Jasper offers an API that is currently in beta and available to Business Plan users and Jasper Tech Partners only. This API enables seamless integration of Jasper’s AI capabilities into content management systems (CMS) or any other type of content platform. 

Jasper API

By leveraging Jasper’s API, businesses can harness the power of the platform’s generative AI technology everywhere they browse and create high quality content while maintaining brand consistency. Jasper ensures high performance and reliability with its self-proclaimed proprietary AI engine, delivering an impressive 99.99% uptime, critical for platforms that rely on uninterrupted service.

Sudowrite does not currently provide an API. As of now, Sudowrite focuses on offering its AI-powered writing capabilities through the platform itself.

Free Trial

Jasper offers users the opportunity to try out the platform with a 7-day free trial. During this trial period, users can explore and experience the features and capabilities of the writing platform. A credit card is required to take advantage of the free trial. 

Jasper Free Trial

Sudowrite offers a free version that allows users to access the platform’s various AI writing tools. There is a word count restriction to the plan where users can only generate up to 4,000 words before they have to subscribe.

Sudowrite Start Membership

These free trial options enable users to evaluate both tools’ capabilities, assess their effectiveness, and make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in the respective platforms.

Pricing Model

Jasper offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different user needs.

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There are 3 different plans: 

  • Creator priced at $49 per month
  • Teams priced at $125 per month
  • Business plan with custom pricing 
Sudowrite Pricing

Sudowrite offers 3 plans as well. They are as follows:

  •  Hobby & Student priced at $19 per month with 30,000 words per month
  •  Professional plan priced at $29 per month, with 90,000 words per month
  • Max priced at $129 per month with 300,000 words per month. 

Both Jasper and Sudowrite offer pricing plans with different features and usage limits. Jasper’s pricing plans cater to individual users, teams, and businesses with customizable options, while Sudowrite offers tiered plans designed for hobbyists, students, professional writers, and those with higher writing demands. 

How do I choose between Jasper or Sudowrite?

When it comes to choosing between Jasper or Sudowrite, users must consider their specific needs and preferences to make an informed decision. Both platforms offer powerful features, but there are distinct differences that can guide users in selecting the right fit for their requirements.

  • Writing Focus: Consider the primary focus of your writing. If you are an author or novelist looking for assistance in your writing, Sudowrite’s features specifically tailored for storytelling might be more suitable. On the other hand, if you need AI-powered content creation for marketing purposes, Jasper’s emphasis on marketing, blog writing, and brand voice customization could be a better fit.
  • Features and Functionalities: Evaluate the features and functionalities offered by each platform. Jasper provides a wide range of templates, a plagiarism checker, a built-in chatbot, along with the ability to integrate with SurferSEO for SEO optimization. Sudowrite excels in generating creative writing prompts, character development, and offers a shrink ray tool for document summarization. Assess which features align with your writing goals and enhance your workflow.
Jasper Landing Page

Choosing between Jasper and Sudowrite depends on your specific writing needs and preferred features. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your writing goals and enables you to leverage the power of AI technology effectively.

Other AI Writing Tool Alternatives

In addition to Jasper and Sudowrite, there are several other AI tools available in the market that cater to different writing needs. Here are a couple of noteworthy alternatives:

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT
  • Copysmith
  • CopyAI
  • Ink For All
  • AI Writer 
  • Quillbot

When considering alternative AI tools, it’s essential to evaluate their specific features, pricing models, user experience, and the quality of output they provide. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both Jasper and Sudowrite offer powerful AI software that can greatly enhance the writing process and assist users in creating high quality content. However, the choice between the two ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences.

When it comes to AI-powered content creation, Jasper is a frontrunner for businesses and marketers. The platform’s versatility, accentuated by its wide range of templates, a convenient chat feature, and even an AI art image generator solidify Jasper’s position as the champion in the Jasper vs Sudowrite battle.

Jasper Landing Page

Sudowrite shines when it comes to helping authors and novelists in crafting compelling narratives. If you’re an author seeking a niche AI writing assistant that will assist in refining your storytelling skills and generating original ideas, Sudowrite may be the ideal choice.

Sudowrite Landing Page

Whichever AI writer you choose, harnessing the power of AI can boost your individual or team’s productivity and help achieve desired outcomes with ease.

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