A Winding Road
Casey Cook describes the path she took to reach her current field as a software developer as a winding road. She began her career at State Farm in a role more related to her marketing degree and college internship. However,…
Casey Cook describes the path she took to reach her current field as a software developer as a winding road. She began her career at State Farm in a role more related to her marketing degree and college internship. However,…
Eisner award winning sequential artist Rashad Doucet says he wishes there were 75 hours in a day to get everything done–he’s got that many ideas in his head! As a kid, his imagination was fostered by his grandmother. She’s the…
When Katie Anderson Peacock was growing up, she observed her grandmother seemingly become sunburned while sitting in the kitchen. As someone with an interest in science, she wanted to understand how this was possible. When it turned out the “sunburn”…
Early in Abigail Tyson’s career, a boss listened to her pitch an idea about an interactive blog tour for an author she was representing. Her boss replied, “I don’t understand that at all, but go for it.” And she did! …
Music educator Michael Nestor has been passionate about music since his childhood – even before he formally learned how to read music. Even though he briefly switched majors in college from Music Education to Computer Science, it didn’t take him…
Current Atlassian Product Designer Natasha Yeh began her career in illustration. Though it may seem like a stretch to think illustration would be helpful in the field of technology, Natasha doesn’t think so. Her illustration skills and background help her…
Former IBM Product Manager Thomas Chu is grateful for the opportunity the company gave him 20 years ago as a new immigrant. He didn’t have all of the technical skills they were looking for, but they took a chance–and he’s…
Software engineering manager Matt Compton has worn several career hats since finishing his Masters degree at Georgia Tech–including a stint at the Atlanta based company, Big Nerd Ranch. Even though his current role is in management, Matt shares that people…
Renee Cooper’s role as marketing director for an Atlanta law firm requires creativity, and lots of social media savvy. Take her podcasts for example where she interviews her boss regarding legal questions many people might have. She’s named it the…
Tips from a user researcher who has fought the uphill battle. When working on a product, you can learn only so much from reading online and talking to your subject matter expert colleagues. Without customer relationships, It can be so hard…