My blog covers a topics ranging from technology to wellness to myths and legends. There are many different topics to explore in each of those larger categories and sometimes they overlap!
Explore and enjoy.
Featured posts

Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age
Ever feel like life’s a constant juggling act, with work on one hand and personal stuff on the other? You’re not alone. The struggle to keep that work-life thing in check is real, especially in this digital world we’re living…

Navigating the New Job Market in an AI-driven World
The dawn of AI and automation, akin to our very own mechanical Mary Poppins, has been a spectacle of incredible productivity boosts and a fountainhead of innovation. As we enter into a future where machines are becoming our tireless allies,…

Deepening Spiritual Connection in a Digital Age
In our fast-paced digital world, it’s easy to lose touch with your spiritual side. Between the constant buzz of social media, 24-hour news cycles, and longer work hours, when do you actually have time to connect with yourself on a…

Tech for good: Technologies trying to solve major global issues
Innovations in the areas of renewable energy, healthcare, and education, transform industries and improve people’s lives across the globe. They are instrumental in solving some of the world’s greatest challenges you face, and they may indicate some potential for a…

Technosolutionism: are we solving the right problems?
When technology is viewed as the catch-all solution, it risks overshadowing deeper, systemic issues that require nuanced approaches. Remember when smartphones came out and apps were the big thing? Many businesses jumped on the app bandwagon, thinking they needed one…

Top 15 AI tools for solopreneurs of 2024
As a solopreneur, you need all the help you can get. That’s why we have curated a list of AI tools that can support you in your solo business endeavors. Find out how AI can optimize your tasks and outcomes.

The Renaissance Spectrum
All of us are wired differently. And that’s great! It makes life interesting. Biologically, we need diversity to survive. Our different skills help us thrive and grow as a society. That said, it can be helpful to understand how you’re…

Signs of chakra imbalance: Are your energy centers blocked?
Have you ever felt emotionally stuck, physically drained, or spiritually disconnected for reasons you couldn’t explain? Chances are your chakras may be blocked. We each have seven main chakras running up the body that keep our physical, emotional, and spiritual…

How trapped emotions manifest as TMJ pain
Ever found yourself clenching your jaw in stress, grinding your teeth when you’re anxious, or waking up with an achy jaw? It’s a more common experience than you might think. We all know stress can be a real headache, but…
Myths and legends

10 Moon Goddesses in World Mythology
Moon goddesses are an eclectic group within world religions; with each individual goddess having varied amounts of stage time within legends, a variety of powers and abilities, and additional associations beyond the lunar disc, they are a widespread, functional group…

10 Sun Goddesses in World Mythology
Sun goddesses are a widespread, skilled, intricate group of deities whose overall presence is required to sustain life on Earth. Though solar deities are typically a boys club, the small number of female figures in the group of solar deities…

Harmonia: Goddess of Harmony and Concord
The Greek pantheon has various fascinating gods and goddesses, each possessing unique attributes and enthralling stories. Harmonia is a goddess of particular interest and significance among these divine figures. Harmonia, also known as Concordia in Roman mythology, is a deity…