
Proserpina: Goddess of the Seasons and Queen of the Underworld 

In Roman mythology, the goddess Proserpina, also called Persephone in Greek mythology, carries dominion over the nature of the seasons and the underworld. However, Proserpina’s influence goes far beyond the realm of Roman mythology and resonates in various cultural contexts and belief systems. The story of her abduction by Pluto and her subsequent reign in the underworld symbolizes her status as the Queen of the Dead and the Goddess of Spring and Rebirth. This dual nature symbolizes her sovereignty over the never-ending cycle of life, death, and resurrection. 

Overview of Proserpina 

Proserpina’s name is derived from the Latin words “proserpere” or “proserpens,” signifying “to emerge” or “to creep forth (WeirdItaly).” Proserpina was assimilated with the ancient Roman fertility goddess Libera, whose central cult was in the Aventine temple of the grain-goddess Ceres and the wine god Liber. It is worth noting that Proserpina was introduced from southern Italy as part of an official religious strategy towards the end of the Second Punic War. The Roman society suffered from crop failures, intermittent famine, and hostility between the lower and upper social classes. Roman impiety believed these occurrences were divine retribution, necessitating this official religious strategy (Wikipedia Contributors).

The image depicts Proserpina lying on the grass while delicately placing her hand atop a luscious pomegranate.



  • Queen of the Underworld 
  • Goddess of Spring and Rebirth 
  • Goddess of Fertility 
  • Mistress of Souls 


Proserpina possesses remarkable abilities, among which is her control over the seasons. During winter, as she descends into the underworld, the earth turns barren and lifeless, mirroring her absence from the surface world (Wikipedia Contributors). This period of dormancy symbolizes the harshness of winter, but Proserpina’s return each spring heralds a transformation. Her presence ushers in the resurgence of life and fertility as the earth bursts forth with blooms and greenery (“THE STORY OF WINTER”). This control over the changing seasons highlights her role as a vital force in the natural world and underscores her connection to the perpetual cycle of renewal and growth.

Furthermore, as the Queen of the Underworld, Proserpina holds authority over the souls of the departed. Her dominion extends to judging and guiding these souls, determining their fate in the afterlife. This role emphasizes her importance in the spiritual realm and significance in the Roman concept of the afterlife (Wikipedia Contributors). Her dual role as a goddess of life and death reflects the intricate balance between these two fundamental aspects of existence. Her abilities to control the seasons and preside over the realm of the departed make her a central figure in Roman mythology, embodying the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.


Proserpina’s appearance and demeanor have been depicted in Roman art and literature as possessing an ethereal and captivating quality. She is often portrayed as a young woman of extraordinary beauty, with an otherworldly allure that distinguishes her from mortals. This emphasis on her divine nature underscores her significance as a goddess in Roman mythology.

Her flowing hair is one of the most notable aspects of her appearance, depicted in shades of gold and dark hues. This imagery symbolizes the transition between the realms of the living and the dead, as her hair mirrors the changing seasons (WeirdItaly). The golden hues evoke the warmth and vitality of spring, while the darker shades represent the sameness of winter. This dual-toned portrayal reinforces her role as a goddess, serving as a bridge between life and death.

This artwork portrays Proserpina in deep slumber beneath the earth as winter spreads its effect throughout the landscape. In her dreams, Proserpina envisions the arrival of spring, where she is awakened and walks amidst the rejuvenating nature of the season.

Source: Earth Haven Learning.Centre 


Proserpina is a fascinating figure with a multifaceted character. Her association with the underworld and judgment of souls might suggest a lack of compassion and mercy, but in reality, she exhibits these qualities. She is often depicted as comforting, offering solace to the departed and consoling those mourning their loved ones (Wikipedia Contributors). Proserpina’s empathetic nature is a testament to her understanding of the afterlife. In addition to her compassion, Proserpina’s story also highlights her resilience. Her abduction by Pluto and subsequent role as Queen of the underworld and goddess of spring illustrate her ability to adapt to challenging circumstances (“THE STORY of WINTER”). Her resilience is comparable to the cyclical nature of life and death, and she navigates the transitions between these realms with grace and strength.

Lastly, Proserpina is a figure of mystery and intrigue. Her story is shrouded in enigma, mirroring the mysterious nature of the underworld itself. Her dual role as both a benevolent goddess of rebirth and a powerful queen of the dead adds complexity to her character, making her a fascinating and curious figure (WeirdItaly).


The symbols associated with Proserpina in Roman mythology are profound and richly significant. The pomegranate stands foremost among them, representing her binding to the realm of the dead when she consumed its seeds while residing with Pluto in the underworld (Wikipedia Contributors). This symbolism underscores the interconnectedness of life and death and the cyclical nature of the seasons, where winter’s dormancy ultimately yields spring’s renewal. Another prominent symbol of Proserpina is the torch, which she often holds as the Queen of the underworld. This imagery emphasizes her role as a guide for souls navigating the afterlife while highlighting her connection to the light and warmth of the surface world. The torch also signifies the rekindling of life with Proserpina’s return in the spring, further underscoring her role in the cycles of nature and the land’s prosperity.

In addition to these symbols, grains and wheat are closely associated with Proserpina, emphasizing her pivotal role in agriculture and fertility (WeirdItaly). These symbols highlight her ability to ensure bountiful harvests and the earth’s rejuvenation each spring, making her a goddess closely tied to the cycles of nature and the land’s prosperity. Proserpina’s significance in Roman mythology is profound and enduring, and her symbols resonate with people today.

In the depicted illustration, Proserpina adorns an elegant purple off-the-shoulder dress, gracefully holding a blue robe and a pomegranate in her hand.


Festivals and Rituals

The Cerealia festival was a significant annual event dedicated to Proserpina, the goddess of agriculture and fertility in Roman mythology. It was celebrated in April and aimed to invoke the deity’s blessings upon the land, ensuring a prosperous harvest for the people. The festival’s central focus was on offerings that symbolized the fertility of the earth and the hope for a bountiful agricultural season. In particular, grains were a prominent feature, underscoring Proserpina’s association with agriculture. Additionally, flowers were presented as offerings, reflecting the blossoming of spring that coincided with Proserpina’s return from the underworld (“THE STORY of WINTER”). The Cerealia festival served as a testament to the Roman people’s dependence on Proserpina for agricultural success and the renewal of life each spring. It reinforced her role as a vital force in the cycle of seasons and the land’s prosperity.

The depiction portrays Proserpina lying on the grass, basking in the sun's warm rays, with an expansive field in the background.

Source: Espores

Legends associated with Proserpina 

Proserpina is an enigmatic goddess of remarkable depth and complexity. Her rich mythology is intricately woven with a myriad of fascinating tales that have captivated the imaginations of countless cultures across the ages. 

Origin story

The origins of Proserpina, as depicted in Roman mythology, are deeply rooted in familial ties and symbolic representations of fertility and prosperity. According to the myth, Proserpina was born as the cherished daughter of Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and grain, and Jupiter, the mighty king of the gods (Wikipedia Contributors). Her birth was celebrated as a moment of great joy and promise, as she was seen embodying the vital forces of nature and the sustenance of life. As the daughter of Ceres, Proserpina held significant implications for the bountiful harvests and prosperity of the Roman people. 

On the right stands Ceres, the mother of Proserpina, attired in a dress and robe, while on the left is Jupiter, garbed in a red robe.

Source: Wikimedia Commons 

The Rape of Proserpina

The abduction of Proserpina by the god of the Underworld, Pluto, and her mother, Ceres’ frantic search for her is a widely known legend. Proserpina’s eventual but temporary restitution to the world above resembles the Greek myth of Persephone’s abduction by Hades. In Claudian’s De Raptu Proserpinae (poem), Pluto yearns for the joys of married love and fatherhood and threatens to wage war on the other gods to prevent the outbreak of war. In fulfillment of the prophecy, Jupiter orders Venus to bring love to Pluto. Ceres attempts to conceal her innocent daughter, Proserpina, by sending her to safety in Sicily, Ceres’ earthly home and sanctuary. Nevertheless, Pluto emerges from the volcano at Mount Etna in his chariot, seizes Proserpina at the Pergusa Lake near Enna, and takes her down into the underworld. The poem concludes at this point (Wikipedia Contributors).

Proserpina’s mother, Ceres, searches for her daughter worldwide, but to no avail. As Ceres walks the earth, the sun sinks, darkness falls, and with each step, the growth of crops halts, creating a desert. Jupiter sends Mercury to order Pluto to free Proserpina, but she has eaten “several” of the pomegranate seeds from the underworld; those who have eaten the food of the dead cannot return to the world of the living. Pluto insists that she had willingly eaten his pomegranate seeds and, in exchange, she must stay with him for half the year. When Ceres welcomes her daughter’s return to the world of the living, the crops grow, flowers blossom, and in summer, all growing crops flourish to be harvested in autumn (Wikipedia Contributors). 

This illustration depicts Ceres, adorned in a black cloak, on the right side of the image. On the left side, Proserpina can be seen wearing a yellow dress.


The Demonic Paradise 

The myth of Proserpina is a subject that has been explored in various works of literature over the centuries. One particularly moving story that shares similarities with the tragic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice is recounted in Claudian’s work from the 4th century AD (Wikipedia Contributors), known as “The Demonic Paradise.” Virgil’s Georgics tells the story of Orpheus and Eurydice with heart-wrenching detail, as Eurydice tragically dies from a snakebite, leaving Orpheus shattered by her loss. In his grief, Orpheus ventures into the underworld, relying on his musical talents to guide him, and pleads with Proserpina to be reunited with his beloved wife.

Proserpina, moved by Orpheus’ enthralling music and sincere plea, grants him a conditional opportunity: he may lead Eurydice back to the land of the living only if he does not look back at her during their journey. This condition adds an element of suspense to the story, as Orpheus must navigate the dangerous path from the underworld to the world of the living, relying on his faith and love to guide him. Regrettably, Orpheus succumbs to the temptation and casts a fatal backward glance at Eurydice, condemning her to remain forever in the realm of the dead. By doing so, he denies himself the pleasure of her company in the world above, which is now beyond his reach (“Proserpina”). 

Orpheus is adorned in a scarlet robe while extending his hand towards Eurydice, who is draped in gossamer fabric.

Source: TheCollector

Influences of other religions/cultures on Proserpina 

The narratives of Proserpina and Persephone in Roman and Greek mythology, respectively, share striking similarities, particularly in their abduction by Pluto (in the Roman version) and Hades (in the Greek version), which sets off a sequence of events involving their grief-stricken mothers and eventual return to the surface world (Wikipedia Contributors). This intriguing resemblance can be attributed to the significant influence of Greek culture and mythology on Roman society, as the Romans embraced and incorporated many aspects of Greek religion and deities. Consequently, Proserpina and Persephone are often regarded as interchangeable deities due to the extensive overlap in their qualities and tales. The enduring appeal of these goddesses is a testament to the cultural exchange and fusion of Greek and Roman beliefs, emphasizing their shared significance as underworld figures and symbols of the seasonal cycle in both mythologies.

Modern appearances 

The myth of Proserpina, the ancient goddess of the underworld, has left an indelible mark on modern culture and creative expression. Her tale of abduction by Pluto and subsequent sojourn in the underworld has been retold in various forms of art and literature with exquisite detail. Examples of such art pieces include Bernini’s “The Rape of Proserpina” and Rossetti’s “Proserpine.” In literature, Ovid’s “The Metamorphoses” has influenced Proserpina’s myth and inspired countless retellings (Wikipedia Contributors). Contemporary works such as Melissa Bashardoust’s “The Myth of Persephone in Girls Made of Snow and Glass (“Goodreads”)” and Kate Forsyth’s “Proserpina and the Pomegranate” are modern retellings that offer fresh perspectives on the classic myth. These books explore themes of power, identity, and the mother-daughter relationship in imaginative ways, weaving elements of history and mythology to create rich and compelling narratives. Proserpina’s enduring influence inspires new interpretations and creative works that delve into the complexities of these timeless themes. 

The musical Hadestown tells the joint stories of Orhpeus and Eurydice as well as the stories of Persephone/Proserpine and Hades/Pluto.

This work of art depicts The Rape of Proserpina; in the painting, Pluto has abducted Proserpina, and her handmaidens are reaching out for her.

Source: Fine Art America

Final thoughts

Proserpina’s enduring significance within mythology is rooted in her complex character and mastery over the seasons. Throughout history, her story has been intertwined with that of Persephone in Greek mythology, reflecting the cultural exchange typical in ancient times. Even in modern times, Proserpina’s influence can still be felt in various forms of art, literature, and popular culture, where she symbolizes transformation and renewal. Proserpina continues to inspire and offer insights into the profound forces of nature and the human condition as a symbol of the eternal cycles of life, death, and rebirth.


“Goodreads.” Goodreads, Accessed 7 Sept. 2023.

“Proserpina.” The Demonic Paradise Wiki, Accessed 7 Sept. 2023.

“THE STORY of WINTER.”, 2019,

WeirdItaly. “Proserpina, the Queen of the Underworld.” Weird Italy, 6 Oct. 2022, Accessed 7 Sept. 2023.

Wikipedia Contributors. “Proserpina.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Oct. 2019,

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